27 Jan IV Therapy
Once a week for nearly a year a Winnipeg naturopath hooked Yvonne Datzkiw up to an intravenous bag containing vitamin C.
An hour later — after 50,000 milligrams of the liquified vitamin had trickled directly into her veins — the 18-year-old felt energized. She was ready to take on a traditional and more daunting medical treatment also administered intravenously: Chemotherapy.
Datzkiw, a Maples Collegiate graduate diagnosed with stage 4B lymphoma in November 2012, is convinced her IV vitamin C — a controversial, alternative treatment — made her chemotherapy sessions more tolerable.
“(After) my first chemo, the smell of food made me sick. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I needed anti-nausea stuff,” says Datzkiw.
Two days later, after her mother’s online research found vitamin C administered by IV could boost her well-being and even help fight her cancer, the teen decided to give it a try along with her traditional medications.
Two weeks later she had her second session of chemotherapy, a noxious brew of chemicals that destroys cancer cells as well as healthy body cells.
Take your IV-itamins – By Shamona Harnett
– See more at: https://dradatya.com/category/blog/page/16/#sthash.UFEckxC7.dpuf