Weight Management


Weight Management

Weight Management in a Dirty World

You probably have a junk drawer at home. It holds a mishmash of nuts and bolts, some old keys, a pair of pliers, a night-light bulb and a roll of duct tape?

Your body also collects junk. This “junk” comes from the food you eat, the water you drink and the air you breathe. It includes pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals, caffeine, pollution and preservatives.

Also, simply living creates wastes. As you read this, your body is making ammonia and carbon dioxide. These and other toxins are created by the workings of each cell.

It’s the job of your liver, lymphatic system, kidneys, lungs, intestines, blood and skin to filter these toxins from your body. When overloaded, your body becomes inefficient. Like a furnace with a clogged filter, it collects toxins.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Heart, Lung , and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), leading medical journals, and the media all report that N. Americans are overweight in epidemic proportions. How did this happen? N.Americans consume large portions of the wrong kinds of foods, such as refined foods and snacks loaded with sugar, instead of

balanced meals that include good-quality proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These poor diet choices combined with a sedentary lifestyle cause weight gain, resulting in numerous health problems.

Many N. Americans address their weight issues by trying a quick-fix weight management program. Because these programs do not take into account the physiologic needs of the body, these dieters do not experience permanent success. In addition, many quick-fix dieters do not experience permanent success. In addition, many quick-fix programs are not designed to be practiced for an extended timeframe. Dieters who go on these programs become frustrated because eventually all the weight that was lost comes back.

The ideal weight management program takes time. It needs to be gentle, reduce excess fat stores, be high in fiber and low in saturated fat, increase muscle, and ensure that the amount of metabolic energy being used is greater than the amount of calories consumed. All of this needs to occur without losing muscle mass, which can be maintained by consuming vital nutrients. Once the ideal weight is reached, maintaining it requires that the amount of energy expended is equal to the energy intake. Obtaining a proper balance is key.

Our bodies are like cars with a main fuel tank and a reserve tank. When one tank runs dry, the engine draws fuel form the reserve tank to meet its needs. Our bodies run in a similar fashion. Say for instance, a person walks on a treadmill for 20-30 minutes. During this time, they have burned off their main fuel- the sugar in their blood, liver, and muscles. Once that fuel is depleted, their body should turn to fat (the reserve fuel tank) for additional energy.

Healthy liver function supports the body in burning fat for energy. In addition to its role in fat burning, the liver also synthesizes fatty acids from amino acids and sugars and assists in producing lipoproteins., cholesterol, and phospholipids. The liver makes a substance called glucose tolerance factor (GTF) from chromium and glutathione. GTF partners with the body’s natural insulin to regulate and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The liver converts any sugars that are not required for immediate energy needs into glycogen and fat. Glycogen is stored both in the liver and in muscle tissue. The fat is deposited in undesirable areas.

Apply the Fundamentals

Incorporating proper eating choices and activity habits into your lifestyle are the only ways to maintain a healthy weight.

Determine your desired weight

Follow your recommended program

Get plenty of exercise

By following these 3 simple steps, you will be able to properly manage your weight. Once you reach your desired weight, you can incorporate some foods not listed in your program back into your diet- sparingly.

Try to not expect instantaneous success- you didn’t wakeup one morning instantly overweight, so it will take time to lose the unwanted pounds.