Some of My Best Friends Are Germs: NY Times Mag


Some of My Best Friends Are Germs: NY Times Mag

Say hello the 100 trillion bacteria that are living (and dying) right now on the surface of your skin, your tongue and deep in the coils of your intestines. Then get to know some of Michael Pollan’s “old friends.”

Naturopathic Physicians have been at the forefront of preventative medicine and gastrointestinal health, utilizing lactobacillus and acidophilus bacteria and a plethora of other strains vital to intestinal health. This is particularly important to replenish in infants born from a C-section or a quick vaginal delivery.

The Brain-Gut axis has increasingly been gaining mainstream attention. As glib as it may sound, the gut is indeed our second brain. A primary place for seratonin and B12 production.

Read more on gut bugs and optimal well-being here: