‘Right Thinking’


‘Right Thinking’

“Right thinking” is a state of true self, with both mundane and aerial view… walking in two world… which brings far more understanding about ways to move and live and be, than only one world view. As reading Eckhart Tolle taught me, there is immense peace in hearing what the ego wants to say, but instead letting it go and not speaking.

The following is a repost from the very wise Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes….For everything there is a season, rest well everyone.

Dear Brave Souls: Consider this, seriously consider this cure for pain of many kinds, not all kinds, but many kinds of dogged pain.
Right thinking, that is doing one’s best and throughout the release of outcome, can also relieve, often eradicate pain.

Think on this. And try this for a moment: think of what the ego often wants, demands, jumps to. It is likely this thought system and subsequent action causes an individual much pain. And perhaps causes innocent others pain also.

Then think on this often effective and astonishing fact: choose the best action, thought system that brings you least or no pain.

Think on this, and especially consider what mind set, what actions bring least or no pain. Often, that is ‘right thinking.’

There are times in our lives to damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead [an old submarine order, that despite the underwater missiles, rather than turning off all systems and lying silent on the bottom of the sea, to instead rev all engines and do all and everything it takes to defeat all invasion] — and it is true and real.

But/and there are also many many times to choose right thinking that has to do with enacting what causes no or little pain compared to the immense bite from following ego’s first thoughts.

Think on these things, each is his own way, each in her own way… as each soul sees fit.
with love,