Kids’ Health Starts with Exercise, Nutrition & Nature


Kids’ Health Starts with Exercise, Nutrition & Nature

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever for children to form healthy habits.

Regular exercise, good nutrition and, when necessary, natural remedies, all help keep children healthy so they can grow into healthy adults. But parents don’t always have the easiest path to get there.

Good Health Starts with You

Because nutrition is one of the basics of good health, most parents try to provide their children with lots of vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods, then struggle when their picky eaters refuse to eat them.

Setting a good example is the key. Eating well-balanced meals with kids is the most powerful way parents can teach their kids about good nutrition. Shop and cook with kids. Go to the farmers market, grow a garden, involve them in meal planning and teach them about the food groups. These are all great ways to make eating fun and healthy.

Natural Remedies to the Rescue

Sometimes removing certain foods from your child’s diet is also beneficial. Countless young patients have showed immediate improvements in concentration and grades after removing reactive foods from their diet.

Kids spring back pretty quickly and respond fast to simple changes. Similarly, herbal remedies can help your child’s well-being, including:

  • Chamomile tea for difficulty sleeping.
  • Lavender essential oil to help children go to sleep and stay asleep
  • Elderberry for flu prevention and coughs. You can give it to kids as a syrup that tastes good so they’ll even ask for it.
  • Herbal salves for when kids are feeling ill or get minor injuries.

It is also good to learn about proper sun protection and how that balances out with getting the proper amount of vitamin D. Bee stings and mosquito bites are often successfully treated with homeopathic medicines – kids respond really well to homeopathic medicines.