How To Avoid GMOs & Further Resources


How To Avoid GMOs & Further Resources

This is a wonderful read on “How to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods” :

Please visit the following websites to learn more about ways to educate yourself. This is an experimental technology released with no capacity for recall and woefully inadequate safety testing (its not advocates who say so- it is the Royal Society’s 2001 shelved recommendations to the federal government that say so).

The main claims of GMO have FAILED at the expense of farmers who end up paying more and more for this seed. It is clear also, that what DOES work is crop rotation, integrated pest management that use integrated biological systems and moving away from energy intensive and extensive farming to organic intensive non-chemical farming.

Everyone should read this: “What you don’t have the right to do is to stand in the way of others who hope and strive for ways of doing things differently, and hopefully better. Farmers who understand the pressures of a growing population and a warming world. Who understand that yields per hectare are the most important environmental metric. And who understand that technology never stops developing, and that even the fridge and the humble potato were new and scary once.” See below for the full link:

Check out the effect of Bt concentration on mammals, the massive increase of herbicide use as a result of GMO farming, and the resistant varieties of insects and weeds as a result of using this technology.

Lastly, “The World According to Monsanto” – A Full length video:

Hope these resources help you to make more informed choices for your family and yourselves!