Cellular Force for Energy


Cellular Force for Energy

Bioenergetics is a study of energy transformation in living organisms used in the field of biochemistry to reference cellular energy. Since every cell must have a way of obtaining energy, creative interventions to stabilize mitochondrial function and preserve ATP substrates will be a new metabolic medicine in the future.

Joanne Ingwall, Professor of Medicne at Harvard Medical School cites in her book ATP and The Heart :

A major clinical challenge today is to develop strategies to preserve or improve heart pump function while maintaining cell viability. To achieve this goal, an understanding of the metabolic machinery for ATP supply and demand is required… Every event in the cell, directly or indirectly, requires ATP. Myocytes (heart cells) need ATP to maintain normal heart rates, pump blood and support increased work, i.e., recruit its contractile reserve. The myocyte needs ATP to grow, to repair itself and to survive. The requirement for ATP is absolute.

The Solution: Restore the depleted energy with nutriceutical support.

Cellular Force is a metabolic cardiologist’s approach to aging, strenuous exercise, cardiac pathology, fibromyalgia and metabolic syndrome. It is part of Dr. Adatya’s high-end signature supplement line based on research. The formula contains:

  • Magnesium malate – 300 enzymatic reactions improves energy in cells especially in recent infarcted mycocardium
  • Coenzyme Q10 – Lipid soluble antioxidant plays vital role in cellular ATP production.
  • L- Carnitine– Support beta oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondria for energy production
  • D-ribose – Energy substrate to support oxidative phosphorylation in myoctye.

In addition to improving cellular energy production as well as heart and skeletal muscle function, mitochondrial biogenesis plays a key role in healthy aging, weight management, metabolic syndrome and fat metabolism.