organic Tag


Go figure: organic maple-syrup- sweetened yogurt from grassfed Jersey cow milk costs less than artifically flavored, chemically colored and carrageenan-stabilized yogurt in a tube. ...

Taken alone, “local” or “organic” doesn’t necessarily equate “sustainable”, but as with everything else related to food and agricultural systems, change toward the local and the sustainable is underway. Here is a nice synopsis from Truthout, “Bringing the Food Home: Local Food and Agricultural Systems”: ...

Why you should look for colorful corn, arugula, green onions and more on your next trip to a farmer’s market: “If we want to get maximum health benefits from fruits and vegetables, we must choose the right varieties. Studies published within the past 15 years show...

Alexandra Jamieson is no longer a vegan & the backlash has been severe. She talks about ‘coming out’ as a non-vegan. Rather than highlighting the pedantic differences between all the different diets, recognize the common denominator- whole foods, minimally processed with lots of colourful fruits, vegetables...