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The latest research on low testosterone and depression validates a promising treatment for depression in men. In 2012, I wrote about the relationship between low testosterone and depression. Today, I want to update you on the latest research on the use of testosterone replacement therapy as...

Call it a gut reaction. Doctors don’t know what triggers the body’s immune system to attack the joints that cause rheumatoid arthritis, but Veena Taneja, Ph.D., an immunologist at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine, has long suspected a link between the trillions of microbes (microbiome) living...

Cardiovascular health includes healthy blood vessel function. Blood vessels don’t contain nerves, so there are no symptoms when things aren’t flowing smoothly. The key to healthy cardiovascular function is to optimize vessel pathways and enhance circulation. The following description offers a review of the importance...

Though nothing so far can cure or prevent dementia, many herbs show promise in combating its memory-impairing disease. Imagine this. You’re driving in the city. Nothing is familiar. You’re not even sure of the cardinal directions. You hesitate at an intersection, car horns blaring behind you....