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Below is a Q & A with Anahad O’Connor from NY Times’ Well: What are the health concerns regarding consumption of soy products like tofu? Soy has been a dietary staple in Asia for many centuries. Some studies have found that it may offer some cardiovascular benefits,...

Acupuncture as Good As Counseling for Depression – Study By Andrew M. Seaman People with depression may benefit as much from acupuncture as they do from counseling, suggests a new study. Researchers found one in three patients was no longer depressed after three months of acupuncture or counseling,...

Scientists treat evidence one way; lawyers another. The 5th Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change saying that the human contribution to climate change is 95% certain. What does 95% certainty look like in terms of legal proof? It’s equivalent to criminal law’s “beyond...