This is a wonderful read on “How to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods” : Please visit the following websites to learn more about ways to educate yourself. This is an experimental technology released with no capacity for recall and woefully inadequate safety testing (its not advocates who...

USDA researchers recently published a study assessing the nutrition content of 25 commercially available microgreens, seedlings of vegetables and herbs that have gained popularity in upscale markets and restaurants. Just a few inches tall, they boast intense flavors and vivid colors, but what about their nutritional content?...

Less than 2% of Americans achieve even the recommended minimum adequate intake of potassium, due primarily to inadequate plant food intake. If you take any plant, burn it to ash, throw the ash in a pot of water, stir it around, skim it off and then...

Huffington Post – Have We Been Misled? What You Should Know About Dietary Fats Have you been given the advice to substitute vegetable oils high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) for animal fats high in saturated fats? Sure you have—if you have been listening to worldwide...