Compulsive overeating and sugar addiction are major threats to human health, but potential treatments face the risk of impairing normal feeding behaviors that are crucial for survival. A study published January 29th in the journal Cell reveals a reward-related neural circuit that specifically controls compulsive...

Why People Are Drinking Bone Broth, And What You Should Know About It Published Huff Post, 12.08.14 It's an an ancient tradition, but over the past few months, boiling animal bones has become a health craze. Devotees and nutrition experts say that bone broth's benefits may include shinier...

Hormone balance is the goal of your disease-free lifestyle. Diet, exercise, weight, stress and environmental toxins are important factors that play the major roles in your hormone balance and your personal disease risk. Simply put, improving these fundamental aspects of lifestyle can significantly improve our...

The National Geographic Channel's cool interactive breaks down how we got from roasting meat over an open flame to scarfing corn chips from plastic bags. Don’t mind me — I’ll be over here, staring wide-eyed at my computer screen, sifting through an endless treasure trove of...

Blog post by David Zinczanko in Huffington Post Follow the lead of top nutrition experts with this roundup of the five foods doctors swear by, inspired by my new book of healthy food swaps, Eat It to Beat It: 1. Greek yogurt Gerard Mullin, M.D., director of the...