I try to buy organic when I can, but sometimes it can be difficult to find all the produce I am looking for in the organic sections at my local grocery stores. And when I do find what I am looking for, it sometimes comes...

Elevated blood pressure, or hypertension, is a very common condition that many doctors refer to as "the silent killer". Why silent? Because it is usually asymptomatic until it kills you. [caption id="attachment_3545" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Effects of high blood pressure on the body[/caption] Hypertension is defined as a...

You probably already load up your plate with brain-boosting foods like fatty fish and dark chocolate, but now there's a new diet plan that could seriously slash your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease—even if you're only so-so about following it. [caption id="attachment_3530" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Red wine...

Do you dream of radiant skin, a clear mind, relaxed muscles and abundant energy? Seasonal food cleansing supports the body’s innate detoxifying abilities to restore your vital energy. Forget expensive supplements and restrictive diets and learn to eat whole foods for renewed health. [caption id="attachment_3526" align="aligncenter"...

[caption id="attachment_3515" align="aligncenter" width="300"] dried plums[/caption] We used to call them prunes – at least until popular perception made the word prune synonymous with “laxative.” Since the growers, packagers and marketers want you to know that dried plum are good for much more than just constipation...