Author: Naturopathic Doctor


Are women having babies later in life? Yes indeed. In Europe, percentage of births to moms over 40 has increased from 1.6-3% since the late 1980s.  In the US, 2.6% of births are to women over 40. In fact over 40 women are the only group whose...

Why you should look for colorful corn, arugula, green onions and more on your next trip to a farmer’s market: “If we want to get maximum health benefits from fruits and vegetables, we must choose the right varieties. Studies published within the past 15 years show...

USDA researchers recently published a study assessing the nutrition content of 25 commercially available microgreens, seedlings of vegetables and herbs that have gained popularity in upscale markets and restaurants. Just a few inches tall, they boast intense flavors and vivid colors, but what about their nutritional content?...

Less than 2% of Americans achieve even the recommended minimum adequate intake of potassium, due primarily to inadequate plant food intake. If you take any plant, burn it to ash, throw the ash in a pot of water, stir it around, skim it off and then...

In the race to protect society from infectious microbes, the bugs are outrunning us. The need for new therapeutic agents is acute, given the emergence of novel pathogens as well as old foes bearing heightened antibiotic resistance. Shelley Haydel, a researcher at Arizona State University’s Biodesign...