Author: Naturopathic Doctor


This is an interesting read published today in the wellness section of the NY Times on how exercise impacts our physiology. It seems that through a process of methylation, exercise is able to dramatically alter the way our genes operate, a very novel and relevant...

This is a wonderful read on “How to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods” : Please visit the following websites to learn more about ways to educate yourself. This is an experimental technology released with no capacity for recall and woefully inadequate safety testing (its not advocates who...

Going to spend time outdoors this weekend? Learn these Lyme disease prevention strategies to keep you and your loved ones safe from infected ticks, flies, mosquitoes and more. A press release from The Lyme Disease Coalition Ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies, fleas, and mites are capable of carrying...

Meditation Increases Telomerase Activity and Improves Mental Health This was an 8-week pilot study of daily yogic meditation versus relaxation in mildly depressed, elderly caregivers of dementia patients. The intervention group practiced Kundalini yoga with Kirtan Kriya meditation for 12 minutes daily; the placebo group listened...

Dave Murphy, founder of Food Democracy Now discusses the lack of independent peer reviewed safety studies that are performed on GMOs in the U.S. Dave calls this “Cigarette Science” as it is comparable to big tabacco’s lack of truth and transparency about the health hazards...