naturopathic medicine Tag


About.Com ( - Acne Remedies - By Cathy Wong, ND - (Tuesday, May 20, 2014) Acne is a skin condition that commonly occurs on the face, neck, chest, and back. It starts with the presence of oil and dead skin cells and can develop into red,...

One key player in immune health is the gut, a part of the body that is constantly exposed to toxins and foreign antigens, such as those from food and microbes. According to nutrition and immune expert Simin Meydani, DVM, PhD, director of the Jean Mayer...

The Epoch Times ( - Zinc is Essential, But Don't Go Overboard - By Conan Milner - (Monday, December 08, 2014) Zinc is one of the trace elements essential for good health. But taking zinc supplements to fight respiratory infections may be more trouble than it’s...

Why People Are Drinking Bone Broth, And What You Should Know About It Published Huff Post, 12.08.14 It's an an ancient tradition, but over the past few months, boiling animal bones has become a health craze. Devotees and nutrition experts say that bone broth's benefits may include shinier...

It’s that time of year, when the flu arrives, and with it, the choice of whether or not to get the flu vaccine. Many people assume that just because I am a naturopathic doctor, I am against the flu vaccine. This is not true. My...