naturopathic medicine vancouver Tag


A Good Night’s Rest Helps Keep Off the Pounds A recent study found that sleepers who went to bed earlier and stayed in bed longer ate fewer calories. A sleep-restricted group gained approximately 2 pounds while the normal sleepers did not gain weight. The full article...

Does your neighbourhood need more food growing spaces? Are you interested in starting a new urban agriculture project? Urban agriculture plays an important role in creating vibrant gathering spaces, greening the environment, supporting local food resiliency and promoting social inclusion. The City of Vancouver has had...

Being preoccupied with money problems saps mental capacity – equivalent to 13 IQ points or losing a night’s sleep, scientists say: - See more at: ...

CLOSE THE GAP Someone asked me, “How can I really be responsible for my life?” I asked her, “Do you know who you are?” Not knowing, how can you be responsible for your life? The problem is that what our life actually is and our so-called...

Good commentary including on GE “Golden Rice” – which is still in field trials…and not better than vegetables. “This is the most audacious claim made by those who believe genetic engineering is the way to go. Namely the insistence that genetic engineering is somehow better,...