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In this article, I'll share how sleep works, discuss why many people suffer from sleep deprivation without knowing it and offer practical tips for getting better sleep and having more energy. How Much Sleep Do You Need? How much sleep do you really need? To answer that...

The modern world is filled with stressful situations. Fortunately, there are just as many ways to de-stress. Looking for a way—or ways—to fight off stress? There’s no way to completely avoid it, so your best bet is to learn how to de-stress. Fortunately, there are methods and...

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age and affects between 10% and 21% of women depending on the diag- nostic criteria used and population assessed. The condition has many short-term and long-term complications, including repro- ductive (such as, amenorrhoea, anovulation, hirsutism,...