cortisol Tag


How important is a restful night of sleep? Is quality more important than quantity? Can getting less sleep lead to weight gain? Sleep is a subject matter I have written a fair amount about in my blogs and discuss with every patient at my practice in...

Difficulty sleeping is one of the more common symptoms during the hormonal transition of peri-menopause and menopause. Here's what the research has to say about how hormones affect sleep. First off, progesterone. This hormone is responsible for our deepest sleep cycle, non-REM sleep, primarily by affecting...

Hormones regulate the activity of cells and tissues in various organs of the body. The balance of hormones produced by your body is essential to good health and a feeling of well-being. In women, various sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and other hormones like cortisol,...

What You Need to Know about Stress, Hormones & Weight Management There’s a famous quote that strikes me as particularly appropriate for a conversation about stress. It speaks to what is most surprising about humanity: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.Then...

Weight management is a topic that generates a lot of questions. There are many contributing factors, and if diet and excercise haven't worked for you, there may be underlying causes to consider. Hormone imbalance is one of them, so I've answered 10 of the most...