

An introduction to canning summer’s best local produce Many of us have wonderful memories of grandmothers and mothers who would spend the summer preserving each new crop of fruit or veggies to come from the garden. There’s nothing better than the sweetness of a summer peach...

Being preoccupied with money problems saps mental capacity – equivalent to 13 IQ points or losing a night’s sleep, scientists say: https://t.gu.com/opieU?CMP=OTCNETTXT8115 - See more at: https://dradatya.com/poverty-saps-mental-capacity/#sthash.KfGmzXFQ.dpuf ...

Good commentary including on GE “Golden Rice” – which is still in field trials…and not better than vegetables. “This is the most audacious claim made by those who believe genetic engineering is the way to go. Namely the insistence that genetic engineering is somehow better,...

A battle inside Congress and the Executive branch over the right of patients to choose care from the types of practitioners they prefer is erupting inside the Beltway. At stake is the meaning and potential revocation of ”non-discrimination in health care,”Section 2706 of the Affordable Care Act....

This is a wonderful read on “How to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods” : https://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/how-to-avoid-genetically-modified-food-zmgz12onzphe.aspx#axzz2WW3poT4v Please visit the following websites to learn more about ways to educate yourself. This is an experimental technology released with no capacity for recall and woefully inadequate safety testing (its not advocates who...