Gut Health


From Science Fiction to Scientific Fact by Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc Anxiety disorders are the most common of the psychiatric illnesses in the United States, with approximately 30% of Americans experiencing anxiety-related symptoms during their lifetime,1 and 18% having an anxiety disorder.2 According to the Centers for...

Magnesium is one of the most frequently prescribed supplements in practice. Two of the common uses of magnesium supplements are to treat muscle spasms/migraines and constipation. However, these two indications are actuallyopposed to each other in clinical settings. Absorbability - The Cause of Opposition Different absorption rates...

Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), which is a more scientific way to describe heartburn, affects 50 percent of Americans. While heartburn suggests you just ate a pizza that bothered you, GERD is when food, acid contents, bilious material or pancreatic juices travel back...