Author: Naturopathic Doctor


The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food “sheds light on how the foods are created and sold to people who, while not powerless, are extremely vulnerable to the intensity of these companies’ industrial formulations and selling campaigns.” What can I say? Read the article here: ...

Our bee populations are in a nationwide free fall — and this could spell the end of fruits and vegetables grown on our soil. Not only has Canada and the US experienced widespread honeybee deaths and disappearances, called “Colony Collapse Disorder,” we have also seen a...

Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, expert in the science and practice of emotional learning in children, and Heart-Mind 2013 featured speaker, gives a terrific talk on teacher’s vital role in children’s social emotional learning: ...

Learn more about common allergens and natural ways to relieve and prevent allergic reactions. A sneak peek: Over time, eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat can calm your immune system, making you less prone to allergic reactions. The article from Mother Earth News Magazine...