vancouver naturopath Tag


A battle inside Congress and the Executive branch over the right of patients to choose care from the types of practitioners they prefer is erupting inside the Beltway. At stake is the meaning and potential revocation of ”non-discrimination in health care,”Section 2706 of the Affordable Care Act....

In a study of more than 500,000 Americans, those who ate a healthy diet reduced their risk for pancreatic cancer by 15 percent. The diet used in the study followed federal dietary guidelines from 2005 and recommended eating a variety of nutritional foods and limiting saturated...

Babies who ate more fruits and vegetables and fewer packaged foods were less likely to develop food allergies in a new study that looked at overall diet patterns instead of just specific foods. “We have been aware that certain diets seem to reduce the risk of...

Current tamoxifen guidelines are clear: Drugs that interfere with the formation of active tamoxifen metabolites are important to consider and relevant to patient care, but genetic polymorphisms that do the same are not. But based on the data available, the question of whether CYP2D6 polymorphisms...

Tunisian women who had no family history of breast cancer or BRCA mutation were investigated for the methylation status of BRCA1 and BRCA2 promoters using methylation-specific PCR. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women in Tunisia, and breast cancer in Tunisia is characterized...