perimenopause Tag


Difficulty sleeping is one of the more common symptoms during the hormonal transition of peri-menopause and menopause. Here's what the research has to say about how hormones affect sleep. First off, progesterone. This hormone is responsible for our deepest sleep cycle, non-REM sleep, primarily by affecting...

Sleep and Hormones By Dr. Brent Barlow, ND Low-functioning adrenal gland can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep because of poor production of stress hormones. The signs of the adrenals being involved in the sleep difficulty include difficulty sleeping after stressful days and...

Perimenopause Perimenopause is a transition time “around menopause,” which on average lasts five to ten years. Usually at around age 35, a woman’s progesterone levels begin to decline and become erratic. Many times this goes unnoticed, or there may be increased premenstrual symptoms (PMS), or increased...

Hormonal Harmony Hormone imbalance is best understood by knowing how a normal menstrual cycle works. A menstrual cycle is the result of a hormonal dance between the pituitary gland in the brain and the ovaries. Every month the female sex hormones prepare the body to support...