environment Tag


International Homesteading Education Month is in full swing, and the six families we named our 2013 Homesteaders of the Year are inspiring examples of modern homesteading skills and values in action. These folks — such as the Chandler-Isacksen family (pictured below), who run the urban...

This is a wonderful read on “How to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods” : https://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/how-to-avoid-genetically-modified-food-zmgz12onzphe.aspx#axzz2WW3poT4v Please visit the following websites to learn more about ways to educate yourself. This is an experimental technology released with no capacity for recall and woefully inadequate safety testing (its not advocates who...

Thanks to more precise tabulations of our individual impacts on the earth’s natural resources, today’s Ecological Footprint Calculators are more accurate, and revealing, than ever before. How do these calculators reveal our interconnectedness? Find out through this personal narrative: https://ow.ly/myKC4   Image courtesy of Global Footprint Network ...

A prelude to Oceans Day this Saturday. The importance of wild salmon, the cornerstone species, is unbound. Are you in it for the long haul for wild salmon? It is clear that the only hope lies in the people, not government. Please help keep our Pacific...

Our bee populations are in a nationwide free fall — and this could spell the end of fruits and vegetables grown on our soil. Not only has Canada and the US experienced widespread honeybee deaths and disappearances, called “Colony Collapse Disorder,” we have also seen a...