Author: Naturopathic Doctor


Study points to new culprit in heart disease: researchers say the surprising findings could lead to new treatments for heart disease. This is just a single study to add to the pile. L-carnitine has, in many other studies, been shown to be cardioprotective, with effects...

Both produce benefits but walking cuts risk of heart trouble by a greater amount when the same energy is expended: The choice between running and walking seems inconsequential for people who do neither, but maybe it will make people who think their only way to...

Quotation of the Day: “There’s a tremendous push where if the kid’s behavior is thought to be quote-unquote abnormal — if they’re not sitting quietly at their desk — that’s pathological, instead of just childhood.” — Dr. Jerome Groopman, a professor of medicine at Harvard...

Meat producers have fed growth-promoting antibiotics to food animals for years. Recently, scientists have raised concerns that, in conjunction with the general overuse of antibiotics in humans, this use of “sub-therapeutic” levels of antibiotics in food animals may lead to serious health risks for people. If...

The bacteria that live in your GI tract are one of the most overlooked and vaguely understood components of both weight loss and longevity. There are a host of weight and health related problems that come from imbalances or problems with your intestinal flora. The term...