Current tamoxifen guidelines are clear: Drugs that interfere with the formation of active tamoxifen metabolites are important to consider and relevant to patient care, but genetic polymorphisms that do the same are not. But based on the data available, the question of whether CYP2D6 polymorphisms...

Tunisian women who had no family history of breast cancer or BRCA mutation were investigated for the methylation status of BRCA1 and BRCA2 promoters using methylation-specific PCR. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women in Tunisia, and breast cancer in Tunisia is characterized...

WED., JUN. 5, 2013: JUST-RELEASED NATURAL HEALTH STUDY POSSIBLE BREAKTHROUGH CURE FOR BRAIN CANCER: Scientists have released remarkable results of a study suggesting that, if further research is confirmatory, most patients with the most common and most aggressive form of brain cancer (glioblastoma) can be completely...

  LA Times – Study Upholds Breast Cancer Mortality For Hormone Replacement In the nearly 11 years since researchers first rang alarm bells that women on hormone replacement therapy faced an increased risk of breast cancer, some have suggested that taking estrogen and progestin to treat symptoms...