Blood provides information about what the body has recently (hours to days, in some cases weeks) absorbed. This is largely independent of tissue deposition.
The Menopause Profile is a noninvasive salivary assay that examines three specimens for levels of beta-estradiol, estrone, estriol, progesterone, and testosterone. Results can be used to identify imbalances contributing to menopause symptoms and various systemic disorders, and to determine the need for (natural) hormone replacement therapy.
The Female Hormone Profile is a comprehensive salivary assessment of estradiol,progesterone and testosterone spanning a full 28-day period. Imbalances revealed in this profile can help illuminate root causes of disorders such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), infertility, and menstrual irregularities.
The Comprehensive Male Hormone Profile evaluates 4 saliva samples to determine circadian activity of testosterone. This advanced profile also examines 8 additional saliva samples to reveal how melatonin, cortisol, and DHEA(S)may be influencing hormone function.
The Adrenocortex Stress Profile is a powerful and precise noninvasive salivary assay that evaluates bioactive levels of the body’s important stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA. This profile serves as a critical tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, obesity, blood sugar imbalances, allergies, insomnia, and a host of other clinical conditions.
The DHEA (S) Test measures the level of this important hormone prior to therapy and can monitor therapy through regular re-testing. Adequate, but not excessive, levels and appropriate balance of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) are necessary for maintaining optimal health and well-being in males.and females. DHEA is a steroid hormone with anti-aging, anti-obesity, and anti-cancer influences. Studies have also suggested that DHEA modulates a wide range of other health conditions. DHEA is both an intermediate in the synthesis of sex hormones and a potential marker for aging.
The Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment is a thorough analysis of thyroid hormone metabolism, including central thyroid gland regulation and activity, thyroid production and secretion, peripheral thyroid conversion, and thyroid autoimmunity. This test allows the practitioner to pinpoint common imbalances that underlie a broad spectrum of chronic illness, including: fatigue, depression, hair loss, PMS, headaches, weight gain/loss,anxiety, joint pain, infertility, low libido.
The Comprehensive Melatonin Profile measures the level of melatonin over a 24-hour period. Melatonin is the major neuroendocrine modulator of annual and circadian biorhythms in the body, and has a far-reaching biological influence over most of the autonomic, hormonal, and behavioral functions of the human organism.With its unique ability to pass through all blood barriers in the body, melatonin acts as the central hub of physiological function, orchestrating the complex internal processes of the body in conjunction with various external stimuli. This role has resulted in melatonin being coined the “connecting chemical”—a potent antioxidant that conjoins the mind, the body and the environment.
The Insulin and Glucose Tolerance Test utilizes six samples each of plasma, one drawn before ingestion of the glucose challenge drink and five afterwards at timed intervals. Insulin and glucagon release are normally smoothly coordinated, so that substrate flow in the alternating anabolic-catabolic phases maintains the plasma glucose levels in the normal range, avoiding both hypo- and hyperglycemia. Improper secretion of these hormones can lead to obesity and insulin insensitivity.
Food and environmental allergies have been implicated in a wide range of medical conditions affecting virtually every part of the body—from mildly uncomfortable symptoms such as indigestion and gastritis, to severe illnesses such as celiac disease, arthritis, and chronic infection.
Allergies have been shown to cause migraines, eczema, colitis, ear infections, hypotension, asthma, childhood hyperactivity, gall bladder disease, and a host of other dysfunctions. Perhaps most significantly, they have been linked to numerous disorders of the central nervous system whose causes often go undiagnosed, such as depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue.
The Comprehensive Allergy Profile identifies hypersensitivities to over 140 of the most commonly encountered foods and environmental substances. Using highly sensitive ELISA technology, a single blood sample is assayed to quantitate both IgE and IgG4 antibodies for 96 general or 100 vegetarian foods. Results reveal not only the likely causes of immediate anaphylactic reactions, but also the sources of delayed reactions—so-called “hidden” allergies, whose effects may not show up for hours or even days after exposure to an antigenic substance. The profile includes an IgE panel for 48 inhalants, which also can be ordered separately.
Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis: Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis evaluates levels of red blood cell membrane fatty acids. Imbalances of fatty acids can significantly influence inflammatory disorders, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy, hyperactivity, depression, and many other conditions. This comprehensive profile allows practitioners to accurately assess dietary intake and metabolism of fatty acids in each patient, allowing precise, custom-tailored nutritional intervention.
Our bodies must be able to detoxify xenobiotics (environmental toxins), endotoxins (gut-derived toxins), and the body’s own hormones and other phenolic compounds. This test can reflect the degree of toxin exposure and the body’s ability to handle this load. When the two phases of detoxification are out of balance, our bodies are more prone to illness. This test is the only means of assessing this balance. An insufficiency of critical nutrients required for detoxification results in an increased toxic burden on the body, and illness. This test can assess the demand upon, and the availability of, these nutrients.
Saliva samples are collected following the ingestion of a pre-measured amount of caffeine, urine is collected following the ingestion of aspirin and acetaminophen, and, depending upon the profile selected, a blood draw may be required.
Depending on the profile selected, this test requires a sample of urine &/or blood. Increasing environmental toxin exposure and insufficient antioxidants place us at increased risk for cellular free radical damage. Serum lipid peroxides and markers for hydroxyl radical activity reflect the degree of this damage occurring in the body.
Glutathione is one of the most important chemicals in the body, functioning as both an antioxidant and detoxifying nutrient. Low levels will result in oxidative damage, greatly increasing the chance of illness. This test provides a specific measurement of reduced glutathione. Studies suggest that blood glutathione is the best determinant of whether an individual is likely to age or get sick.
An excess of free radicals can lead to damage in cellular membranes, nucleic acids (increasing cancer risk), mitochondria (disrupting energy production), and proteins, including enzymes. Free radical damage can result in disorders including heart disease, neurological diseases, respiratory problems, skin disorders, cataracts, environmental sensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic fatigue, and wasting disorders such as AIDS.