Women’s Health


Women’s Health Vancouver. Dr. Adatya provides Naturopathic preventative care and early detection of women’s health conditions in Vancouver, B.C.

Dr. Tasnim Adatya is one of Canada’s leading women’s health practitioners, she has extensive studies in menopause management and is a contributing author to A Women’s Health Resource: A Guide to Health and Hormone Balance.  Dr. Adatya focuses in providing holistic, natural reproductive, gynecological, and general health care for women from adolescence to the postmenopausal years.

As a Naturopathic Doctor and woman, she recognizes and affirms that a woman’s biology and health care needs are unique. Dr. Adatya responds to individual patients, assessing each woman’s preferences, needs, and values to ensure that a woman’s individual makeup guides treatment care.

As a Naturopathic Physician, she recognizes the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest information, news, resources, and research in the field of women’s health. Dr. Adatya also practices natural childbirth, providing care for mother and child during the prenatal, delivery, and postpartum periods.

“Women are seeking natural treatments. They want to minimize the unnecessary use of pharmaceuticals and hormones, and to avoid surgery whenever possible.” They seek relief from menstrual complaints and menopausal symptoms. Some are looking for help with infertility, others a natural approach to childbirth, pregnancy and postpartum issues.

Hormones are incredible chemical messengers in our body that affect our brain, heart, bones, muscles, and reproductive organs and are an essential part of the workings of every cell in the human body. Hormones work best when balanced. However, hormones can become imbalanced.

Hormone imbalances are caused by:

  • Higher than average levels of stress
  • Poor food choices
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Taking synthetic hormones
  • Sedentary lifestyle (lack of movement or exercise)

Naturopathic medicine is effective in treating most women’s health conditions, whether acute or chronic.

Dr. Adatya values information sharing and provides patients with actionable tips and expert advice so they have the tools necessary to empower informed decision making. Some of the women’s health conditions treated using natural medicine by Dr. Adatya in her Greater Vancouver practice include:

Amenorrhea, anovulation Cervicitis, cervical dysplasia
Depression, anxiety Dysfuncional uterine bleeding
Endometriosis Habitual miscarriage
Infertility Mastitis
Menstrual irregularity/pain Menopausal symptoms
Morning sickness Natural birth control
Natural family planning Nursing difficulties
Ovarian cysts Premenstrual syndrome
Polycystic ovarian syndrome Postpartum depression
Sexual disorders Urinary incontinence, cystitis
Uterine fibroids Vaginitis (bacterial, yeast)

Making a profound difference in the lives of others is my goal as a physician. I care about the health and well-being of the patients I serve. If you’re seeking an individualized approach to your unique health care needs, give me a call, I’d be happy to partner with you to find the right approach that fits your values and lifestyle needs.